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Home  . Hentland  . Hoarwithy  . Services  . Contact

  • Rev Angie Kateley, Priest-In-Charge
    Tel: 01981 345044
    Email: revangiekateley@gmail.com

  • Rural Dean Revd. Sheila Anthony
    Ross and Archenfield Deanery Tel. 07775588716

Church Wardens:
  • Val Lilwall Tel: 07775 611128

  • Phil Watkins Tel: 07831 317904

  • Jeff Goulding Tel: 07554 496548

  • Peter Pember MBE
    One Eleven, Hoarwithy, Hereford. HR2 6QH. Tel: 01432 840254
    Click Here to Email

Parish Safeguarding Officer: Val Lilwall
Tel: 07775 611128

Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser: Carl Steventon
Tel: 07593 817717